Coquetdale and Brinkburn excel at the Great Yorkshire Show Cheese AwardsPosted on 16th July 2018

Last week, we were at the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate. The Great Yorkshire Show is always a fantastic event, and such a spectacle for visitors. We were very happy to see two of our cheeses excel in the awards... 

The Cheese Awards

The Cheese Awards at the Great Yorkshire Show are prestigious awards. With over 860 entries from the UK and abroad, competition stakes are high. We entered Coquetdalewhich is a full fat, hard-pressed, and mould-ripened cows' milk cheese. Matured for 3 months, it develops a complex and creamy flavour. Coquetdale often gets over-shadowed by Reiver in the mould-ripened catagory, so we entered it to give it a moment in the spotlight. We were absolutely delighted to win Gold in the mould-ripened category! It was wonderful to see Coquetdale recieve some of the accolades that it deserves. 

We also entered our Brinkburn in the hard-pressed goats' cheese category. Brinkburn is a mould-ripened, hard-pressed goats' cheese. It is matured for 3 months, during which time it develops complex flavour notes, including coconut, and it has a beautifully creamy finish. We were very happy to recieve a Silver award for this lovely cheese.

Both of our cheeses are available for purchase on our online Fingers crossed for the International Cheese Awards in Nantwich next week!

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