Current job vacancies

18th July 2018

We have some exciting opportunities to join our team, with the following vacancies at Northumberland Cheese Company...

Farmers' Markets, and why we must support them

16th July 2018

We partake in regular markets around our region. We want to tell you why...

Coquetdale and Brinkburn excel at the Great Yorkshire Show Cheese Awards

16th July 2018

Coquetdale and Brinkburn excelled at the Great Yorkshire Show Cheese Awards in July...

Specials this July in the Cheese Loft Cafe

5th July 2018

We've got some deliciously tempting specials in the Cheese Loft Cafe this month...

Quirky things about Northumberland Cheese Company that you may not know

19th June 2018

Northumberland Cheese Company is a pretty quirky place to work, and there are certainly some interesting facts about us!

Quails Eggs in the Cheese Loft Cafe

5th June 2018

There is an adorable story behind the quails' eggs which we have in the Cheese Loft Shop, and we had to share it with you...

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